Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I`m not fanatic to the recycling but I think that it`s very important worry of the environment. In the Tv and radio I always hear that they encourage to people take care to environmet, I think that is a matter that is a fashion, all the natural things is a fashion now. The mass medio invited to people to make more exercise outdoor or eat more vegetables, but I think that is a very good fashion. I hope this fashion not finish.

I try to make things to take care of the environment, for example when I going to buy to supermarket I try to take the things in my backpack in stead of in a plastic bag, or I always turn off the lights in my house when nobody use it. Also I like walk so I prefer walk in stead of take a bus, also with this action I take care to environment, and I take care my health. Sure! This is only when I can because when too far to walk. I have no choice.

In general I think that is little incentive is given to people to care for the environment, is advertised with the issue but no concrete steps are taken, some stores have bags of recyclable material but do not make a concrete incentive for people to used it, I read somewhere a very good idea, was that the stores could charge $ 10 for using a non-recyclable bag so people would use recyclable bags. that I think a good measure for people to really cooperate

My building try to recycling the rubbish, there are a place to leave the plastic rubbish, other place to paper and cardboard rubbish and the other to glass rubbish. I consider that the buildings that use solar energy are very cool. Everyone could use it. But sometimes the things to take care the environment are very expensive as the solar panel, or there are not much advertising to product that not damage to environment. This is something else that could be changed so that everyone could help with a grain of sand in it to care for the environment

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Art´s tastes

Today I going to talk about art. In my opinion the art is a

expression of feeling, so aren´t wrong or ugly art, only is. Also I think that the art is very important for the cultura. Is a expression of cultura. What I like about art is that you see a something that you can to interpret anything as a proyective test. Well, this is more probable in abstract art, while in other art you can found the real copy of reality as photograph but is a paint. I admire to painter that make this art. I sometime go to museums when friends come to visit me elsewhere. I take them to museums, for example: “Bellas Artes” museum. I remember that when I was a child, sometime my mom took me to art exhibition and I liked.

Althoug I consider that the art is beatifull. I have not the skills to make it. Never I try. Must be because only I take an interest in see it. Also can be that never anyone encouraged me to do it.

Although saying that I go to museums and I like art, I could not talk a lot of painte

rs. Maybe I could name some famous painters such as: Velazquez, Michelangelo, Dali, Monet, Van Gogh …. Of these painters named I like the paintings of Van Gogh and Monet in the colors of his paintings

As Picasso is the artist that I know best. Picasso because I remember that in the school I had to make a presentation of the life of picasso in arts class, and on that occasion I got the idea to make a play of his life. In addition, my colleagues had to make a copy of Guernica it was a painting commissioned by the Spanish government to Picasso during the Spanish Civil War.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

If low serotonin levels aren't responsible for depression, what is?

One of the

disorders that psychology can treat are those

about mood. In this category, we can find depression, for example. In relation to this subject, I found an online diary ( with an article in it. This article was about effects that pharmacologic treatments were supposed to have in people with depression. This article was also about how antidepressive treatments works and how they have been developed.

First of all, it is important to consider that depression implies a chemical unbalance on a cerebral level. Scientists thought that was related to a decrease of monoamines. According to this, scientists thought that if they developed a method to increase this neurotransmissors, they could treat depression. For years they tried and tried, but they found some problems. The first problem was that antidepressive treatments take at least a month to make an effect. This, was inconsistent with the monoamines theory.

The second problem was that these treatments didn’t work for all patients. They found that just a 60% was effective.

The third problem was much more complicated. Scientists found that if they reduce the serotonine or monoamines in people in order to induce depression people didn’t always shows the disorder or symptoms. So, they throw away monoamines as an valid explanation.

In exchange, scientists proposed another theory, neurogenesys theory. This theory would come to replace monoamine theory by giving a better explanation of the phenomena. So, now scientists are trying to improve in this capacity to produce neurogenesys instead monoamine.

Neurogenesys treatment shows to be an interesting idea. But it is not perfect. In fact, studies cannot distinguish real changes in depressed humans. Som studies have shown interesting founds, but others just don’t.