Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Technologies in my Career

Technologies have improved in the last decades. Mobiles, internet, computers have come to be extremely important objects in our lives and now they invade every space of our days. Also, technologies are used in every scope of the society. Today it’s almost impossible imagine our jobs without technologies, either our schools or colleges. Power Points presentations, data shows are part of our daily vocabulary because we actually use them every day. Today, I’m going to talk about the use of technologies within the different subjects I’ve studied this year.

First of all, I would like to talk about Laboral Psychology. In this subject, we use power point presentations, so the teacher speaks while he looks at them reflecting in the board. This technology is important because it allows teachers to organize better the information, and also allows teachers to show better how they do that. One of the benefits of using these technologies is that now you can pass through the slides using a little remote control, so now teachers don’t have to stay next to the mousse of the computers and they can walk and walk.

In Psicopatología Infanto-Juvenil, we use another technology. It is similar to the previous one, but it is also distinct. In one of the presentations we had to do to present in the classes, one of the groups used a program called “Prezi”. This program it is like power point, but it is different because it allows people to pass in a stylish way each slide. When each slide disappears, the next one appears turning around the screen. Also, this program allows people to show videos in an easier way.

Also, we have to use other technologies to have a nice perform in university, like Skype, MSN and Microsoft Word. Sometimes, when we have to deliver works or papers, we had to work in group, but it is not possible to stay in other’s house. So, thanks to these programs now we can work in group at night easily.

In conclusion, technologies have improved in the last decade, and now we can enjoy all the benefits of using them. It is important to remember that technologies probably will improve even more, and it is important for us to continue learning how to use them. Also, I can conclude that nowadays technologies have break into schools, colleges and universities, giving an extra use to these amazing discovers made by man.

1 comment:

  1. You’re right about the importance of keeping up with the latest technology. It´s a habit that you have to develop because if you’re not up to date with the latest devices you might lose some job opportunities.

    Technologies have improved in the last decades. Mobiles, internet, computers have come to be extremely important objects in our lives and now they invade every space of our days. Also, technologies are used in every scope of the society. Today it’s almost impossible TO imagine our jobs without technologies, either our schools or colleges. Power Point(/) presentations, data shows are part of our daily vocabulary because we actually use them every day. Today, I’m going to talk about the use of technologies within the different subjects I’ve studied this year.
    First of all, I would like to talk about Labor Psychology. In this subject, we use power point presentations, so the teacher speaks while he looks at the SLIDES PROJECTED On the board. This technology is important because it allows teachers to organize the information better (WO), and also allows teachers to show how they do that better (NOT CLEAR). One of the benefits of using these technologies is that now you can SHOW/GO OVER the slides using a little remote control, so now teachers don’t have to stay next to the mouse of the computers and they can walk AROUND THE ROOM.
    In Psicopatología Infanto-Juvenil, we use another technology. It is similar to the previous one, but it is also distinct. In one of the presentations we had to PREPARE to present in the classes, one of the groups used a program called “Prezi”. This program (/) is like power point, but it is different because it allows people to pass in a stylish way each slide. When each slide disappears, the next one appears turning around the screen. Also, this program allows people to show videos in an easier way.
    Also, we have to use other technologies to have a nice performANCE in university, like Skype, MSN and Microsoft Word. Sometimes, when we have to deliver ASSIGNEMENTS or papers, we haVE to work in groupS, but it is not possible to stay THE NIGHT in ANother’s house. So, thanks to these programs now we can work in group at night FROM OUR HOMES easily.
    In conclusion, technologies have improved in the last decade, and now we can enjoy all the benefits of using them. It is important to remember that technologies will probably improve even more, and it is important for us to continue learning how to use them. Also, I can conclude that nowadays technologies have brOKEN into schools, colleges and universities, giving an extra use to these amazing discoverIEs made by man.
