Friday, September 24, 2010

The music in my life

Music for me is important, I could not say how important but sure it is. I love listening music and I always do that when I can. At home I put music all the time, and I also like listening music when I’m studying. Usually I also like walking and if I can listening music at the same time, that's the best thing ever. I stop hearing the unpleasant noises of the city, and I fly away from me with music and my thoughts. Sometimes when I'm all alone at home, I like to put music to heart it.
I usually like listening jazz because I like the sound of instruments used in this kind of music. Especially the bass sound. I also like the soul, the English rock and all kind of 80’s music. If they ask me to name bands or singers I'd say I like Jack Johnson or Michael Bubble. Lately I've also been listening to Dave Mathew Band, which is a jazz rock band. A friend taught me about this band. Also, in October I and my friends will go to a concert of them. I have not been to many concerts; I think this would be my second concert. I went to my first concert when I was in school. Then, I remember I went to see Lucybell.
I also like to hear the radio. There is one that puts music I like. This radio is called Radio Play.

…and this is what I can talk about music because I do not play any instruments or sing ... maybe just in the shower jejeje
this for now, bye!

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