Friday, September 24, 2010

Places to Go: Santiago in few pictures

Santiago is a beautiful place to live in. I’m from Concepcion, and, even knowing that Concepcion is a wonderful place, I prefer Santiago because it has a lot of strange and unknown places to visit.

For example, once I went Santiago for the day like I always do, and I visited a place called the “sculpture’s park”, and I founded there a lot of green and interesting surprises. There were many trees (I like a lot trees) and sculptures made with dif

ferent kinds of metals, and also was a pair of benches for people to sit in them. This park is about five minutes from the concrete and gray city, and it’s a relief to the smog.

Well, like I said before, I lived long time ago in Concepcion. But I love there. So, sometimes I feel like I’m a foreigner, a stranger, when I come to Santiago. So, if I have to name places that a foreigner or a tourist should visit, I would name, first of all, the sculpture’s park. Then, I think I will choose a mall. Any mall. The

reason is that a foreigner or a tourist would feel like home.

The third place I would recommend to a foreigner or a tourist would be “Plaza de Armas” It is a place full of life, with a lot of painters painting everywhere, pigeons flitting around and making funny sounds and people walking and talking all the time. I like, for example, to chase pigeons in Plaza de Armas. That’s my favorite thing to do. I like, also, to see how human statues do their shows.

That’s for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tamara, I agree with you Santiago is amazing because it's a city with a lot of surprises, you can do almost anything here.
